News & Updates

Unlocking the Future of Finance: Introducing BCC’s Certified Digital Asset Advisor (CDAA) Designation

Decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital asset adoption are not just trends — they're the future of finance. Are you and your team prepared to lead in this rapidly evolving landscape? With BCC’s new Certified Digital Asset Advisor (CDAA) Designation, financial advice professionals and institutions can gain the expertise to stay…

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Preparing for Financial Planning Exams

At the time of this article's publication, students across the country will be writing their QAFP™ or CFP® Exams. Most exam writers will have put in about two years of…
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September 2020 Newsletter: New Information for November 2020 Exams

With fall right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the CFP® and QAFP™ exams coming up this November. Like previous years, candidates will have the option to…
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